What is worship like at Gloria Dei?
Every church has its own style of worship. We think you’ll enjoy the services at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, but as in any church, you should expect it to take a couple of Sundays to become accustomed to our way of praising God together.
Each week the service is printed in the worship folder, which you will receive when you arrive. All the Scripture readings are printed on the back of each bulletin. You will also find personal prayers to use before and after the service. You are welcome to bring along your own Bible and follow along there if you choose.
Our services focus on readings from the Bible where we hear God talk to us. Music and singing are an important part of our services too. Loud or soft, in monotone or rich harmony, all our praises are music to God as we respond to hearing of his grace in His Word. You might even remember a favorite hymn or song to ask our pastor to use in an upcoming service.
The services usually include the following parts in a variety of forms:
- Call to Worship (sometimes called the Invocation) – We call on the name of our Savior God as we praise Him.
- Admitting sins and finding forgiveness – We acknowledge that we have not always done what God asks. Then, we are assured of forgiveness because of what Jesus Christ has done for us.
- Bible Readings – We hear selections from God’s Old Testament prophets, Jesus’ apostles, and from Jesus Himself in the Gospels.
- Sermon – Our pastor offers instruction and encouragement in a Bible-based sermon. We hear how we can expect God’s guidance and grace for dealing with problems, as well as the promise of eternal life in heaven through Jesus.
- Response to the Word – We respond with offerings and prayers for the things God has promised to us and for strength to do what He has asked.
- Parting Blessing – We hear one last assurance of God’s care before we head out into the world to live as God’s children.
Mixed throughout these different parts of our service are hymns and short songs to praise God.
Our worship uses traditional forms and hymns blended with contemporary songs, modern language, and application. The traditional brings us the best that has been used by God’s church throughout the ages and the contemporary brings God’s promises and His will into our daily lives. We hope you enjoy both!
We also set aside time for fellowship after our service when worshipers can visit over coffee and snacks and be encouraged by the fellowship of one another.
What about the offering?
“When will they take the offering?” “How will it be collected?” “How much am I expected to give?” “Do they want visitors to contribute too?” These are typical worries about church offerings.
You may wish at first to learn more about our church and our ministry before bringing your offerings to God through our church.
The Bible teaches us that our offerings to God should reflect our belief that all we have is His gift to us. It teaches us that with our offerings we worship and honor God. Like most Christians, our members bring offerings to God through their church. Since offerings are gifts of love for God, no one dictates what each person is to give.
We pass an offering plate during the service so that our worship may include bringing gifts to God. Offering envelopes are available and keep our gifts a private matter known only to God. We look to Christ and his love to motivate us in our giving – whether it is a child putting in coins or an adult writing out a check.
You may wish at first to learn more about our church and our ministry before bringing your offerings to God through our church. But you are welcome to participate as your heart leads you to give.
What should I wear? Do I have to dress up?
Come as you are. Church services are a special opportunity to publicly profess our faith in God and to praise and thank Him, and many of our members choose to reflect their respect and reverence in the way they dress. Alternatively, many of our members also choose to dress casually when they come to worship, so please wear whatever clothes you feel the most comfortable in.
On any Sunday at our church, you may see running shoes and high heels, jeans and suits, open collars and ties. When a person dresses out of love for God, the choice of casual dress or more formal is acceptable to God…and us.
Are my children welcome in church?
We encourage parents to attend worship services with their young children, as this instills good habits of attending worship services at an early age. But we also understand the difficulties of parenting, and we provide a crying room in the back of the sanctuary, which allows parents to watch the service should they feel that their children are disrupting worship.