Our Mission
We are Alive in Christ to Share Life in Christ!
We believe and teach the absolute truth of God’s Word – The Holy Bible:
- Humans are God’s creation; that the human race was created good and holy, but rebelled against God; that we are all sinful by nature and helpless to save ourselves.
- Jesus Christ is the true Son of God; that He came into the world, born as true Man; that as the Substitute for all sinners He lived and died, then rose from death in victory.
- Because of Christ’s suffering and death in our place, God has forgiven our sins and given us the gift of eternal life.
- We receive forgiveness only through faith in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of all sinners.
- The Holy Spirit, by means of the Gospel (the good news about Christ), creates saving faith in us and leads us to a life of God-pleasing good works, done out of joyful gratitude to God, in love for God and our neighbor.
- The Bible, in every part and word, is the inspired Word of God, without any error; that it is the complete and only revelation of God’s saving truth to mankind, and therefore is our only standard of what to believe and how to live.
These are the basics.